Wednesday 3 February 2010

chase scenes

In our storyboard, we have decided to do a running or chase scene to create suspense, and fear of the unknown within the audience and the character. We watched numerous chase scenes such as Trainspotter, The Borne Ultimatum, and our favorites James Bond- Octopussy and Seven ( which unfortunately we couldn't get any clips of both scenes).
In Seven we thought the held hand camera effect made the audience feel apart of the scene, and saw Brad Pitt's actions. Brad Pitt's character was chasing the villain, and searching for trap and the unknown man. The villains face wasn't revealed to the audience, which leaves enigma's of who the man is, what he is doing or what he has done. This adds to making audience want to continue watching the film.
Octopussy opening involved a clown and two twin circus entertainer knife throwers, who are later revealed as assassins. The clown is a common fear in children so this add's to the suspense in the opening. The enigma's of this opening are who is the clown and what has he done to be chased by the circus twins, what is the egg, and why do they want to kill him...

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